
Wisdom & Wonder: Common Grace in Science & Art is unavailable, but you can change that!

Wisdom & Wonder: Common Grace in Science & Art is a new and complete translation of two sections that the Dutch Reformed theologian and politician Abraham Kuyper intended for his larger three-volume work on common grace. During his life, Kuyper labored tirelessly, publishing two newspapers, leading a reform movement out of the state church, founding the Free University of Amsterdam, and serving...

animal skins, ate grasshoppers and honey, and withdrew from ordinary activities of the world. By contrast, Jesus sat down at feasts, attended a wedding, ate fine foods, drank wine, and used money that friends gave him. His demeanor was so fashionable that the clothes stripped from him before he was hung on the cross were thought desirable enough to divide among the soldiers who performed the execution on Golgotha. The world-denying asceticism of John is not thereby condemned. This too had its value
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